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We have evolved into a data-driven decision-making epoch of this civilization.
We have evolved into a data-driven decision-making epoch of this civilization, and it is pertinent for decision-makers to rely on the tools of our time. Our data analytics & business intelligence services provide descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive reports to help you assure your futuristic inhabitation.
Data Analytics
Customer Centric Approach
Why customer-centric data analysis is important?
Potential increase in sales from identifying and maximizing the top value customers
80% investing in findings new clients
20% invested in existing client, but 80% Revenue comes from customer retention
What marketers need
More customers
More revenue from customers
Retain customers at lower cost
Know your data
As data explodes across channels, basically, there are 4 quadrants of data as shown below:
Customer transaction history
Customer surveys
Product usage data
Marketing information
Credit bureau information
Market research
Customer support feedback
Call records/interactions
Customer briefing
Customer grievances
Social media data about
Benefits of analytics, predictive analysis, and
Productivity gains through improved data-gathering processes results in less time required for producing reports and metrics.
Process improvement gains through improve revenue generation & cost structures leading to enhanced decision making.
In predictive modeling future prediction using machine learning algorithms helps to acknowledge the organization whether in future should visit or not according to the market status statistically.
Data analysis – macro & micro level
Predictive analytics can provide timely feedback to executives on their strategic initiatives and provide leading indicators and insights to enhance planning for upcoming years.

Strategic planning
Financial planning
Focus on priorities
Achieving profit and revenue targets
Developing competitive advantage and differentiation
Developing competitive advantage and differentiation
On a macro level organizational
need predictive analysis for

Improving business processes
Doing more with less budget (working smarter not harder)
Allocating recourse appropriately
Understanding correlations and sensitivities with customer segments
To ensure long term financial resources are available to run the business
On a micro level, organizations need predictive analytics for
Understanding data analytics & its importance
Business intelligence begins with your organization’s strategy and business model and only then should performance metrics and analytics be appropriately conceived and deployed.
It is not enough to have state of the art in business intelligence technologies. Without having a common understanding and a common language between the businesspeople and business intelligence professionals, the business intelligence efforts will fall short of desired results.
Predictive analysis is the analytical ability to see relationships between business drivers and performance and the ability to model these relationships performed by people to improve organizational visibility.
IT and business intelligence professionals need to understand the language of strategy, business models and performance while solving business problems.
Business professionals need to appreciate the role of technology as an enabler and they need to lead and determine where & how IT/business intelligence infrastructure should be deployed to improve decision making.
Interdev BI offers data driven business strategies for SMEs
Interdev Business Intelligence is one of the strongest advocates on data analytics to avoid any unforeseen accidental failure in business operations and to control and monitor the system with optimal productivity. Our data driven business strategies for SMEs help entrepreneurs understand their business situation, predict the future impact, and hence make intelligent decisions.

Understand your business
Data analytics is a new age solution for the companies to design, develop, execute, and assess their own business strategies which will help the business leaders to understand the present business status with a comprehensive descriptive report.

Predict your future
Data analytics process gives an insight and clear prediction on the business purely based on their own internal and external data. We are living in an era of data driven economy. Without future analysis companies cannot formulate a sustainable strategy.

Make right decisions
Data analytics process suggests strong actions which will be produced as a prescriptive report through a neural network machine learning process which will help the business leaders to take strong and confident decisions on their business.
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